
Pathway Homes relies on the generous support of individuals, local businesses, corporate partners and faith-based communities to offer comprehensive supports and comfortable, safe homes for the individuals we serve.

By making a financial or in-kind donation, you will be making a meaningful investment in adults on the road to recovery from mental illness.

 Other Giving Options:

Donor Advised Fund:

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable account you can set up at an organization that has a DAF program. It allows donors to make a charitable contribution to our mission, receive immediate tax benefits, and recommend grants to us when they are ready to be given!

Recommend a gift to Pathway Homes, Inc. through your donor advised fund by simply using DAF Direct below! Select your DAF’s sponsoring organization from the drop down menu and enter your gift amount. If your DAF sponsoring organization is not listed, please contact them directly for a recommendation

Contact Anna Smith at asmith@pathwayhomes.orgwith any questions!

Amazon Smile Program

When you shop on with Pathway Homes, Inc. as your chosen charity, Amazon will donate to our non-profit with each of your purchases. An easy way to benefit Pathway Homes, Inc. with zero expense on your end (besides the goodies in your cart headed your way!)

Make sure to choose Pathway Homes’ Amazon Smile by using this link: